quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Not Mine...

It doesn't matter how many times you tell me you still think of me
It doesn't matter how many times you tell me you miss me.
It doesn't matter how many times you say you're sorry.

After all...
You're not mine

“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you”

quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

Joo ❤

This is how it's been, how it always will be.
Prometido, Joo :)

"To truly love something, you must first give it a chance to fail. If it survives, it is going to be stronger than ever. Distance is pure proof of this, and forever we will love if we survive."

segunda-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2011

Zombies Vs Unicorns

Who said we can't be friends? ❤

“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.”

sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

I Love You, Goodbye.

"Devin, sabes que te amo.
Sinto que te amo desde sempre.
Ultimamente, não me tenho sentido muito bem.
Para ser sincera, estou cansada.
No deserto, debaixo daquele carro, naquela noite apercebi-me de algo que não tenho conseguido esquecer.
Desde que o meu pai morreu, vivi quase sempre com fantasmas.
Temos sido como amigos íntimos.
E no deserto percebi que estava na hora de enterrá-los.
Não posso fazê-lo aqui.
Lamento muito.
Por muito que tente lutar contra isto, permanece a sensação de que tenho de partir.
Não faço ideia para onde vou, mas sei que tenho de fazer isto.
Se não o fizer, vou auto-destruir-me e o pior é que estarás lá para assistir.
Tem cuidado contigo.
Tentei muito ficar.
És o único homem que existe para mim.
Sentirei a tua falta com cada batimento do meu coração.
A nossa vida em conjunto foi o único lar que alguma vez tive.
Não a trocaria por nada.
Amo-te e sempre te amarei.

"A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."

quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Wish Upon a Star

How to Wish Upon a Star

Remember being a kid, when the world was full of possibilities?
Before we became adults, we believed we could change our world just by making a simple wish.
Well, you can still wish upon a star.
Does that sound silly?
It shouldn't.
Who knows, maybe we had it right when we were children.
Go ahead, make a wish.

 Star of Fate Keeps me Moving Along, Follow the Dream of My Heart

1 - Find the star. As any child can tell you, it's not the brightest or best star you must wish on, it's the first one visible in the sky. Go outside at dusk and stare at the heavens. Stars appear quickly, so start your wish as soon as you see one - even if you suspect it might be a 747.

2 - Stare intently at the wishing star. There's no need to feel embarrassed. Remember, you already know how to make a wish come true. Say the magic words we all learned as children aloud: "Star light, Star bright, the first Star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight."

3 - Close your eyes tightly as soon as you're done and silently make your wish as fast as you can. You must finish making your wish before any other starts appear in the sky. When you open your eyes, look for any other stars that may have appeared. If there aren't any, your wish is in the clear.

4 - BELIEVE in your wish. When you wish upon a star, the star knows wether or not your wish is genuine. If you feel sheepish, or make a half-hearted wish, no one will heart it. Simply put, if you don't deserve your wish, it will never come true.

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen."

terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

I don't Even Know Why!

Realmente nem sei porque me dei ao trabalho. 
Gotta love me for that huh?

“Patience is the companion of wisdom.”

domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011

Dear Fake Girls,

Dear Fake Girls,

I don't straighten my hair everyday, I don't cake my face up with make-up. I don't dye my hair with weird colors. I put my hair in a simple pony tail every day, for school. I don't cheat on guys. I don't hook up with someone and dump them the day after. I don't use people. I don't complain about boys obsession for COD, Because they don't. I don't go out every Friday and Saturday night under-age drinking or getting wasted. I don't wear short dresses, and I'm NOT a slut. 

Sincerely, A REAL girl!

"Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can't get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb."

sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

I've Got to Live that Life ♰

                                                         I'm going to live the life
                                                         I sing about in my song
I'm going to stand for right
And always shun the wrong
If I'm in the crowd
Or if I'm alone
On the street or in my home
I'm going to live the life
I sing about in my song
Every day, everywhere
On that busy thoroughfare
Folk may watch me, some may spot me
Say I'm foolish, but I don't care
I can't sing one thing
And then live another
Be a saint by day
And a devil undercover
Every day, every night
I must always walk in the light
Some mistake me, underrate me
Because I want to do what's right
I can't go to church
And shout all day Sunday
Go out and get drunk
And raise's all day monday

Way before Lady Gaga, there was Nina Hagen ♰                                           
19 March 2011, I'll be there ❤

"As long as karma exists, the world changes. There will always be karma to be taken care of." Nina Hagen

quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

Dear stalker,

       Querido Mário,

  Por muito que aprecie saber que pelo menos alguém (sem ser a Balu) lê esta colecção de folhas virtuais não numeradas que não têm propriamente uma ligação entre si, não consigo ficar indeferente pela tua tão pouco sensata escolha de hobbie, como ficar a vaguear entre letras, palavras e frases que escrevi em momentos de solidão, desespero e demência.
  Assim sendo, não podia deixar de mostrar o meu desagrado através de (mais) letras, palavras e frases neste momento de frustração, irritação e — inserir qualquer palavra terminada em -ão (sem ser caixão, cão, balão, coração, botão, vulcão, melão, avião, balcão, mão, cidadão, anão, confecção, artesão, conexão, comunhão, colisão, chão, brasão, certidão, alcorão, blusão, adoração, biodegradação, adopção, bifurcação, adição, carvão, cartão, aclamação, betão, acentuação, aceleração, canhão, acção, campeão, detecção, abstracção, camião, absorção, descrição, camaleão, tubarão, abominação, compaixão, abolição, depressão, caldeirão, calão, demissão, abdicação, decisão, unicórnios).
  Como está na hora da minha transição para Zombie, tenho de me despedir. Brains don't wait forever!

Mário, fica longe do meu blogue! 
Ou então não faças comentários desagradáveis sobre a minha saudável tendência para o suicídio. 

"A stalker will look for any kind of attention, positive or negative. A vast majority of them don't see themselves as stalkers."

terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011

Zombie ❤

Happy Birthday Nick! ❤ 
You're not getting older, you're just a little closer to Death.
Not just a year older, but a year better.
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
May this year be your best ever.
I hope all your birthday dreams and wishes come true.
You were born to party, it wont be a problem today. 

Lot's of people are thinking of you on your birthday ; I just wanted to let you know I'm one of them. Or I just wanted an excuse to post a shirtless picture of my all time favorite Zombie ★ 

"Whatever with the past has gone, The best is always yet to come."

Unicorns ❤

Unicorns I Love Them

"The unicorn legend is different from most superstitions in that it has lasted longer and has been shared by the most enlightened minds of all nations."

domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2011

This is W.A.R

Guns Or Knives Motherfucker

"Like some Anne Rice vampire, it was always late at night when he called, always dark out there whenever you ran into him. You got the feeling he hardly ever saw daylight, didn't approve of it. On a completely different schedule to everyone else, always sleeping until four or five in the afternoon, these late night rendezvous had the incongruous effect of making you feel as though he was always a little bit more awake than you, or indeed anyone else around him. Not that it made him smarter or more fun to be with - just that it ensured things tended to be done on his terms, whether they be long, complicated meetings or simple phone conversations. Even an accidental collision on the street didn't seem to catch him off-guard. It was as thought he just expected strange things to happen to him - all the time.
(...) This was one rock star that might just bust out at any moment and say or do something no one else dared. (...) I couldn't help but be seduced by the strange promise this driven individual with long red hair and pinched little face seemed to hold out: that not only was rock not dead, but that, in the time-honoured phrase, we hadn't seen nuthin' yet. In fact, he would make sure of it. That seemed to be the deal he was offering us anyway. 

 Looking back now, twenty years later, it seems obvious: Guns N' Roses were the last of the all-time great rock bands. (...) Once upon a time, this stuff wasn't funny: it was real. (...) There was no room for doubt: this was rock with a capital 'R'. This was rock that did - not - give - a - fuck. Like Axl screamed in one of his most famous songs, you were in the jungle, baby. And you were gonna die...
Yet it must have been great being a teenage Guns N' Roses fan in the late-1980s, finding a real-deal rock band to call your own that didn't belong to the generations before. 
(...) Guns N' Roses might have been the last of the dinosaurs, or the last gunslinger in Dodge, or as Kerrang! memorably dubbed them in the first major article written about them outside America, 'the most dangerous band in the world'.

As far as Axl was concerned, you were either for him or against him. There was no middle-grown allowed. And therein lies a great deal of the problem with being Axl Rose. Here was a young guy from nowhere, arriving with a talent so effusive the impact he would make on the world was almost immediate. A young guy who appeared to be on his way to becoming the most significant, certainly the most successful, rock artist of his generation. And yet he often seemed willing to throw it all away. (...) He seemed  intelligent, approachable, a little over-serious perhaps, but then maybe that's what happened when you were the leader of a gang of party animals like Guns N' Roses. (...) Axl Rose remains one of the most intriguing rock stars. (...) His personality  appears to combine love and hate in such a way as to allow moments of fury, distrust and stubborn pride to co-exist, apparently without incongruity, with the thoughtful, generous feelings he shows to those few who have remained loyal to him and his cause, no matter what. (...) The story of W. Axl Rose remains a complete mystery to most people, even his most ardent fans.
Ultimately, this is not the story of a monster, though it would be easy to make it appear so. It is the story of what happened to a lonely badly treated boy from small-town America who grew up believing that rock music would provide not only an escape from childhood horrors but would sanctify his soul - and who was proved at least partly right. But a child, nevertheless, who never quite found the solution to his loneliness.
Once upon a time, W. Axl Rose was quite rightly regarded as the most famous, most talented, most sough-after young rock star in the world. (...) Indeed, there is little that is funny about this story and far too much that is simply tragic."

06 February 1962
Happy Birthday Sir Rose ❤

"We take it for granted we know the whole story - We judge a book by its cover and read what we want between selected lines." - W. Axl Rose