segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Little Book of Zombie Poems I

Hungry Zombie

Beware of what lies behind the mask that he wears
His eyes are too dark , but the kids don't notice or care
He blends very well with other goblins and ghouls
But they'll never see him in the halls of their schools
The Corpse behing the mask is out for just one night
Before dawn he'll feast and fill some with fright
So this is a warning you all should heed
Stay close to your friends or you'll be Zombie feed

 "When there's no more room in Hell, the dead shall walk the earth."

quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011


¹Hurt  verb  \'hərt\

Hurt | Hurt∙ing

Definition of HURT
Transitive verb

1  a: to inflict with physical pain : wound
    b: to do substantial or material harm to : damage 

2  a: to cause emotional pain or anguish to : offend
    b: to be detrimental to : hamper 

Intransitive verb

1  a: to suffer pain or grief
    b: to be in need

2  : to cause damage or distress 

     hurt adjective
     hurter noun

"Sicks and stones may break your bones but words can hurt like hell."

Hopes and Dreams

I wanna live strictly in the moment
And feel the life that I know I let slip away
I wanna say I love and truly mean it
'Cause it's so hard to love myself these days
Carson, Nick & Frank


"We do not remember days; we remember moments."

domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011

Fucking Perfect

Welcome to my silly life 
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood 
Miss 'No way, it's all good', it didn't slow me down 
Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated 
Look, I'm still around

"Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it."

terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011


Lia's Zφmbiεfiεd Alter-ego
Brains Addict
Zombieland Resident

My Zombiefied self thought it was cool to make a post about her. But, of course, she has no brains! :o

"I realized that I like you in anyway, Frankie or Lia, so I don't really know who I want to see tomorrow :x" - Balu

"I remember when my best friend was the shy and quiet one... I created a monster."

segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2011

Thanks for the Memories ❤

For all the Mondays,
For all the music,
For all the hard work,
For all the chats,
For all the moments,
For all the laughs,
For all the support,
For all the hope,
For all the dreams,

Thank you for everything  
Nick & Carson

"For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever."

Brain (Yuhm!) Damage

Lia Freitas
não irá comparecer à aula de R.M amanhã, uma vez que o filme a ser exibido provoca sequelas, isto é, alterações anatómicas ou funcionais permanentes, neste caso desencadeadas por um grave trauma, que não podem ser, como na maioria dos casos, tratadas por cirurgia correctiva ou fisioterapia.

Uma vez que a aluna em questão desde cedo apresentou relutância quanto à escolha da película, evidenciando em todos os momentos a sua sensibilidade e efeitos secundários relacionados com o seu dano cerebral - dores de cabeça, tonturas, ansiedade, apatia, depressão, agressão, distúrbio cognitivo, mudanças de personalidade, mania, psicose; o seu alter-ego vem por este meio informar que tomará conta do seu ser durante a visualização da gravação em questão.

Sem nada mais a acrescentar.

 "A thick head can do as much damage as a hard heart."